Welcome to Prep at Bentleigh West
In the Prep Learning House our students are part of a thriving community and stimulating environment that encourages them to foster a great love of learning. Our students are active participants of fun, hands on activities that nourish their learning of not only essential English and Maths concepts but also social and emotional skills.
Our students are challenged to achieve their next step of learning, always considering that we are all unique and each student has different needs. Our Learning House provides flexible learning spaces for our students to achieve their very best and includes our own Prep Library. The Prep teachers foster strong relationships with both students and parents and our door is always open.
Diana, Sarah, Lauren, Sarah and Lauren
What we are learning
We are.....
Our projects
Project ...
Key dates
Graduation Night meeting - Wednesday 14 October, 7pm at the Bentleigh RSL.
Transition Moving Up program:
13 October, 27 October and 10 November at 2pm.
Grade 6 Camp - 19 to 23 October at Coolamatong, Bairnsdale
Graduation Night - Wednesday 16 December
Sign up for Tiqbiz to get all the grade 6 news and Connections.
Useful links
Here are links to some of the sites that we use at school and that we encourage our grade 3 students to use at home.
Mathletics - students can work through exercises set for them on Mathletics. Contact your teacher if you don't know your log on details.
Behind The News - a news and current affairs program for upper primary school aged children.