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This week's news

Principal's news

Principal's news

Term 2 was a very short but extremely busy term and I know the students and staff are all ready for a much-needed break.


The highlight of my term was watching the Intergenerational Choir sing at ‘Classic Residences’ yesterday. It warmed my heart and the joy on the faces of everyone in the audience was clear (see further info later in newsletter).


Reports and Parent teacher interviews
Hopefully by now you have all had a chance to read the end of semester reports. A huge thank you to all the teachers for their time and effort in writing such detailed and consistent reports. A huge thank you to all parents for taking the time to come to school on a very cold evening last Tuesday to discuss students’ progress. This collaboration is vital to ensure we are all working together with shared goals and paddling down the same river. The students enjoyed a great sports incursion during the day and I was very proud of the feedback we received from Kaboom sports about our students.

Student Voice Committee
Jane Ypelaan has worked incredibly hard to support the SVC this semester to achieve an enormous amount. What an amazing group of students (a representative from all grades) who are committed to increasing student voice at BWPS and actioning positive changes for our community. We have seen a significant rise in our ATOSS-Student Opinion data and I look forward to sharing this next term.


They have already achieved the following;

  • Organised the Easter Bonnet Parade

  • Raised money for diabetes

  • Installed a bubbler on the oval

  • Installed a new bike shed near the oval

  • Renewed the padding on the netball posts

  • Supported the food drive

  •  …..and new soccer goals are coming soon too!


School arrival and Camp Australia
A reminder to all parents that the school yard is not supervised until 8.45 each morning. If you need to drop your child earlier than this, please book in to Camp Australia. They have some fabulous new staff running the service with fancy new equipment to further improve what they can offer.

If your child is attending Camp Australia, can you please ensure you sign them in to the service. If your child is unwell or no longer needs to attend, please remember to cancel their space as there are 3-4 students a day who are booked in but not using the service, making if difficult for other families to book in. Thank you.

I would like to congratulate Hugh Blandamer and Will and Oliver Parkinson on their efforts at the Southern Metro Region Cross Country competition on 14 June. Will and Oliver have made it through to State Competition which is awesome. I am sure BWPS Running Club assists with developing these skills, thank you Ethan Ford, Mitchell Wilson and Brendan Walsh for assisting the students.
The Grade 5 and 6 girls soccer team was successful and came second on 21 June at the MPSSA District Girls Soccer competition. Thank you to Jamal Clarke for coaching them.

We have a number of Grade 6 sport teams though to finals early next term…

  • Hockey Girls

  • Netball Girls

  • Soccer A

  • Soccer B

  • Basketball Girls

  • Basketball Mixed

  • Volleyball


Thank you to Brendan Walsh for your efforts in always looking for opportunities for our students.


I recently met with the Bentleigh Junior Football Club, in conjunction with the SMJFL to strengthen our links to further support students following sporting concussions. Please remember to let the school know should your child have sustained an injury during sport outside school so we can support accordingly.


I hope everyone has a safe and superb holiday and is able to enjoy some time with their family. I look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday 11th July as Monday 10th is a curriculum day.



Sarah Asome


Student spotlight

Yasia Kuzmenko from 6F competed in gymnastics in Queensland, congratulations Yasia, on a great achievement.


Please let Mrs Asome know if you have been involved in something fabulous outside of school.


School value certificates

Each week, teachers from each year level present a certificate to a student who has demonstrated one of our school values. Congratulations to all our winners from week 9  - Sienna R, Sophia, Olivia C, Lachie B and Isla S.

week 9.png

School vegetable garden

Thank you to everyone that came along to the veggie garden stall on Wednesday. We sold out of all veggies and herbs and raised $116!! We’ll be putting that towards buying a variety of new plants and a hose pipe to replace the very old and leaky one that we currently have.

We will do another stall in the first few weeks of next term, so look out for an announcement on that. And we’re always looking for parent volunteers so please come along to our next Friday lunchtime gardening if you’d like to get your fingers dirty - we will post a notice on that next term also.

Thanks - Jessica Chilton and the Veggie Garden Team


Inter-generational choir


A selection of dedicated Grade 3 and 4 students have participated in the 'Intergenerational Choir' and had the opportunity to perform at Classic Residences retirement home with the seniors this week. Their performance lasted for an hour, and I was incredibly proud of their achievements. The seniors were impressed by the students' talent and the difficulty of the songs.

This collaboration has been a valuable experience and the highlight of the seniors' week. A big thank you goes out to all the parent helpers who supported us throughout the term and during the performance today.


Food drive

Hi Bentleigh West Families and Friends,
It’s Asha and Maya from Grade 5. We just wanted to say a big thank-you to everyone who contributed to the food drive that we have been running over the last couple of weeks. It has been incredible that we received so many donations that can go to a great cause to help Victorians that are doing it tough. We will be dropping off the food donations to FoodBank during the school holidays and we are sure they will greatly appreciate it.


Thanks again.
Asha and Maya


Bentleigh West Primary School

23 Brewer Road Bentleigh

Ph: 9557 1228

Student absences: Log in to Compass to record student absence or late arrival.

Copyright Bentleigh West Primary School 2023

We acknowledge the Bunurong people, the Kulin Nation, the Traditional Owners of the land on which our school stands. We teach, learn and play on this land, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.

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